Arrays in Excel VBA

by / ⠀ / March 11, 2024


In Excel VBA, an array is a type of variable that can store multiple values under the same name, arranged in a specific order or structure. It is usually used when dealing with a large amount of data to perform repetitive actions more efficiently. Arrays in Excel VBA can be one-dimensional, two-dimensional, or multidimensional, depending on how many levels of data points it can store.

Key Takeaways

  1. Arrays in Excel VBA are powerful tools for managing grouped data. They store a set of values in a single variable name, thereby allowing users to handle, manipulate, and operate on a whole set of data collectively, rather than on individual data points.
  2. There are two types of arrays in Excel VBA – Static and Dynamic. Static arrays have a fixed size and number of elements which are defined at the time of declaration, whereas Dynamic arrays have a variable size and number of elements that can be changed during execution, providing greater flexibility.
  3. Various methods and functions can be applied on Arrays for different purposes. For instance, ‘UBound’ and ‘LBound’ function is used to get the largest and smallest subscript for array, ‘Split’ function is used to split a text into an array and ‘Join’ function works in reverse, combining an array into text. Understanding these functions can greatly improve efficiency in handling data.


Arrays in Excel VBA are important financial tools as they allow users to efficiently store, organize, and manipulate a large amount of data.

This is crucial in finance where dealing with voluminous and complex sets of data is a daily task, especially in tasks like financial modeling, forecasting, and data analysis.

Arrays help in speeding up the code execution, enabling easier computations and reducing errors, thus enhancing productivity.

Additionally, they allow a programmer to perform operations on a group of values at once, or to easily categorize and sort information, which makes data management and analysis considerably more efficient.

Investing time to understand and use arrays in Excel VBA can save considerable time and effort in the long run when working in the field of finance.


Arrays in Excel VBA are instrumental in managing, organizing, and manipulating large data sets within the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) environment in Excel. Arrays serve an essential purpose by enabling the storage of multiple values under a single variable name, creating a list or a table of values.

This feature is highly efficient and versatile for handling data when performing repetitive calculations or operations, making data processing tasks more manageable and efficient. An array can store multiple values of the same data type, essentially creating a mini-database within your code.

The use of arrays in Excel VBA can eliminate the need for repetitive codes, thereby reducing the time and complexity of the coding process. For instance, if you need to process information from several cells in a worksheet, instead of writing a separate line of code for each cell, you can create an array, assign those cells to the array, and then apply your calculations or operations to the entire array all at once.

Arrays are especially useful when working with large datasets, where manual processing would be impractical and time-consuming. In summary, arrays allow for more effective data manipulation, handling, and optimization in Excel VBA.

Examples of Arrays in Excel VBA

Budget Planning: In corporate budgeting, Excel VBA can be used to organize various revenue and expense categories into one-dimensional or two-dimensional arrays. This makes it easy to manipulate and analyze the data on a granular level. For instance, you can store a list of product categories in a one-dimensional array, and the corresponding monthly sales in another array. This allows the ability to calculate, compare, and summarize the results efficiently.

Portfolio Management: In investment portfolio management, VBA arrays can be used to store data on various assets such as bonds, stocks, or mutual funds. Each asset’s performance parameters like price, dividends, and returns can be stored in an array for further calculations. For example, you can calculate the mean, standard deviation, and correlation coefficients for different sets of assets and use these outcomes for risk quantification and portfolio optimization.

Financial Modeling: Excel VBA arrays can be used in financial modeling for diverse functions. For example, you might need to compare historical data against projected data for different business scenarios within a forecast model. Each scenario and their corresponding results can be stored in different arrays, thereby enabling easy comparison, analysis and decision-making. One common use can be modeling projected cash flows for different scenarios when evaluating potential investments or business expansions.

FAQs for Arrays in Excel VBA

What is an array in Excel VBA?

An array is a type of variable in Excel VBA that allows you to store multiple values of the same data type. It can hold a set of values in a single, structured unit.

How do you declare an array in VBA?

To declare an array in VBA, you use the DIM statement followed by the name of your array and the number of elements it will contain. For example, “DIM MyArray(10) AS Integer” declares an array that contains 10 Integer elements.

What is the difference between a one-dimensional and two-dimensional array in Excel VBA?

One-dimensional arrays have only one column of values, while two-dimensional arrays have rows and columns of values. Thus, you can think of a one-dimensional array as a single list of items, and a two-dimensional array as a grid of items.

How to resize an array in Excel VBA?

You can resize an existing array to a larger or smaller size using the ReDim statement. Note that using ReDim can wipe out existing data in the array unless you use it with the Preserve keyword.

How are arrays used in Excel VBA functions and subroutines?

Arrays in Excel VBA can be used to process and manipulate data in bulk. For example, you can pass an array of values to a function or subroutine, process each value in the array using a For Each loop, or sort an array to organize its values.

Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • Cell Range: This is a term related to VBA Array. It refers to the group of cells that an array represents in an Excel worksheet.
  • Dynamic Arrays: This is a type of array in Excel VBA, where the array size is adjustable and not fixed. It caters to the changing needs of data storage during runtime.
  • Looping: This refers to the iteration process in VBA. It is often used in handling arrays in Excel, especially for repetitious processes.
  • Array Functions: These are sets of functionalities in Excel VBA that perform operations on arrays, like sorting and searching data within the array.
  • Multi-Dimensional Arrays: These are arrays within an array in Excel VBA. They create a structure similar to a matrix, which is useful for complex data manipulation.

Sources for More Information

  • Microsoft Docs: Microsoft Docs is the official site for Microsoft documentation, including comprehensive resources on Excel VBA and arrays.
  • Excel Easy: Excel Easy is a user-friendly site dedicated to explaining Excel features, including VBA arrays, in an easy to understand way.
  • Wall Street Mojo: Wall Street Mojo is a finance education site that offers a wealth of information on Excel VBA, including detailed guides on arrays.
  • Wise Owl: Wise Owl provides a variety of training resources, including online tutorials on different aspects of Excel VBA, such as arrays.

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