
by / ⠀ / March 11, 2024


Autarky refers to a state of economic self-sufficiency, in which a nation or other entity does not engage in international trade, but relies solely on its own resources and production. It encompasses a policy or practice of being self-sufficient and independent from outside sources for goods and services. Importantly, it’s an extreme form of economic isolation and rarely observed in practice.

Key Takeaways

  1. Autarky refers to a situation or state where a nation is completely self-sufficient and does not rely on international trade for its economic survival or growth. This concept implies that the country produces everything it needs within its boundaries.
  2. Autarky can offer economic stability by eliminating reliance on other nations for goods and services, thereby protecting a nation from global economic disruptions or trade disputes. However, it often comes at the cost of economic efficiency and growth potential which are normally achieved through the comparative advantages of international trade.
  3. Complete autarky is rare in today’s globalized world. Most economies operate on a spectrum between free trade and autarky, as few nations have the resources necessary to be fully self-sufficient while maintaining the variety and quality of available goods and services.


Autarky, a finance term, is vital as it refers to a state of being economically self-sufficient or an economic system where a unit can sustain itself without any external assistance.

This concept is significant in the study and understanding of economies, as it provides a theoretical framework for comparing the benefits and drawbacks of international trade.

Autarky indicates a nation’s ability to meet its needs using only its resources.

It implies that there is no dependence on foreign trade, offering insights into the sustainability of a country’s economic model.

Moreover, it poses critical implications for global politics, trade relations, and the general wellbeing of a country’s residents.


Autarky is an economic model whereby a nation or a region becomes self-sufficient and intends to conduct trade or economic activities without any external aid whatsoever. The primary purpose of autarky is to allow a country to be fully independent, avoid reliance on imports, and withstand global economic fluctuations or external financial crises.

The aim is to strengthen domestic production, support local businesses, and boost the internal economy by reducing foreign competition. This approach can also provide a foundation of self-reliance fostering technological innovations, since the country must come up with solutions to any challenges on their own.

However, the concept of autarky is often used as a theoretical model rather than a practical economic system since it is nearly impossible for a country to be fully self-reliant given the global interconnectedness of modern economies. Its application can be protective of domestic industries by incorporating certain elements of autarky such as high tariffs on imports or subsidies for domestic producers – though this may lead to trade imbalances or conflicts.

On one hand, autarky can safeguard a nation’s economy from global instabilities and manipulate economic activity to cater to domestic needs. Conversely, it limits a country’s participation in global trade which can hinder growth, technological progression and overall economic efficiency.

Examples of Autarky

Autarky, the economic policy or state of self-sufficiency and independence, mostly applies to individual countries. Here are a few historical examples:

China under Mao Zedong: During the mid-1950s to late 1970s under Chairman Mao, China sought autarky with the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution. The goal was to make China self-sufficient in all sectors including agriculture, industry, and technology. The impact was significant, creating economic fallout and social upheaval as a result of the forced collectivization and industrialization.

Albania under Enver Hoxha: Hoxha, Albania’s communist dictator, practiced autarky after splitting from the Soviet Union and China. This included refusing aid, limiting foreign trade, and investing heavily in home industries. The effects were mixed: it safeguarded Albania’s sovereignty but limited economic development and technological progress.

North Korea: North Korea is one of the modern world’s most extreme examples of autarky. Its policy of Juche, or self-reliance, is designed to create a nation independent of the global economy. It has resulted in North Korea being one of the poorest, least developed, and most isolated nations on earth.

FAQs on Autarky

What is Autarky?

Autarky is a state where a nation or an entity is self-sufficient and does not rely on international trade. It involves a system where the intent is to reduce foreign dependency through the local production of industrialized products.

What are examples of Autarky?

Historically, countries like North Korea and Albania have followed autarky to a large extent. They aimed at economic self-sufficiency, with minimal imports and exports.

What are the benefits of Autarky?

Benefits of autarky can include increased domestic production, protection of local industries, creation of local jobs, and increased national independence.

What are the disadvantages of Autarky?

Autarky can have several disadvantages, such as a lack of competitiveness, risk of stagnation, limited choice for consumers, and inefficiencies due to lack of competition.

Is Autarky a realistic economic policy?

In today’s globalized world, strict autarky is very rare and generally considered unrealistic due to the benefits of trade and other economic interconnectivities between nations.

Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • Economic Self-Sufficiency
  • Closed Economy
  • Trade Restrictions
  • Import Substitution
  • National Economic Independence

Sources for More Information

  • Investopedia: A comprehensive online source for finance and investing defined by a community of experts and influencers.
  • Encyclopedia Britannica: Offers a detailed entry on Autarky along with other connected financial topics.
  • Economics Help: Provides insights and help on economics terms such as Autarky.
  • International Monetary Fund : It’s an international organization that provides financial terms and definitions including Autarky.

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