Euro Symbol in Excel

by / ⠀ / March 20, 2024


The Euro symbol in Excel is not a finance term but a feature of the software. It is a special character used to denote the Euro currency in financial data. It can be entered in Excel through the “Insert Symbol” option or by using the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Alt+E”.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Euro Symbol in Excel refers to the currency symbol of the Euro, which is commonly used in Excel worksheets dealing with financial data related to the Eurozone. This symbol can easily be inserted using certain keyboard shortcuts or commands.
  2. To insert the Euro symbol in Excel, you can use the shortcut CTRL + ALT + E, or choose the Euro symbol from the Symbols category in the Insert tab. You can also use the CHAR function (CHAR(128) or CHAR(8364), depending on your computer’s language settings).
  3. Excel also provides a currency format which can be used to automatically display values as Euros. This can be located in the number format dropdown in the Home tab. Using these techniques can create a more professional appearance in spreadsheets while dealing with Europe’s currency.


The Euro Symbol in Excel is significantly important in global financial transactions and accounting because it facilitates accurate and universally understood expression of currency.

Excel is widely used for various financial computations, data analysis, budget planning, financial modeling, and reporting.

In international finance, where the Euro is a dominant currency, it’s necessary to use the Euro Symbol for clarity, precision, and avoidance of any currency misunderstanding or misinterpretation.

The use of this symbol eliminates confusion by differentiating the Euro from other currencies, thus ensuring the integrity, accuracy, and professionalism of the financial data presented.


The Euro symbol in Excel is mainly used for commercial and financial purposes in the accounting, invoice management, and financial analysis sectors. It helps to identify and represent monetary values specifically in Euros.

This is particularly important in the streamlining of financial documents and data, especially for businesses and organizations dealing with European markets or expenses in Euros. The Excel Euro symbol provides a professional and straightforward way of managing and displaying Euro monetary values, ensuring uniformity and consistency in financial representation in documentation.

Importantly, the Euro symbol can be essentially used to better interpret and decipher financial documents. For instance, when you’re looking at a large array of numbers in a spreadsheet, identifying the currency type immediately becomes a simpler task when the Euro symbol is present.

In addition, Excel functions such as ‘Accounting Number Format’ can be used with the Euro Symbol for efficient number formatting. Thus, the Euro symbol in Excel is a critical tool in the expression and handling of financial data in Euros.

Examples of Euro Symbol in Excel

The Euro Symbol in Excel is used quite frequently across various industries and scenarios involving financial calculations or data processing related to the Euro currency (€). Below are three examples:

Budgeting and Expense Reports: International companies, particularly those based in or operating in the Eurozone, use the Euro symbol in Excel to manage their budgets, expenses, or financial reports. For instance, when a finance department calculates the budget for its European branches, the Euro symbol will be used in Excel to denote which figures are in Euros.

Sales Revenue Tracking: Another example would be companies tracking their sales revenue earned from European markets. Using the Euro symbol in Excel can assist in demonstrating exactly what part of their income is coming in Euros.

Currency Conversion: A travel agency based outside the Eurozone, but dealing with European travel, might use Excel to calculate costs and manage revenues in multiple currencies. The Euro symbol can be used in these calculations to show when a transaction is being measured in Euros. It makes it easier for viewers to understand the currency being referred to in an Excel sheet.

FAQ: Euro Symbol in Excel

1. How to insert Euro symbol in Excel?

To insert the Euro symbol in Excel, you can use the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + E. This will automatically insert the Euro symbol into your selected cell.

2. How can I format cells to display the Euro symbol in Excel?

To format cells to display the Euro symbol, select the range of cells you desire, and then go to Format Cells > Number > Currency and select Euro from the symbol dropdown. This will display the values in those cells as Euro currency.

3. Can I use the Euro symbol in Excel formulas?

Yes, you can, but it’s not recommended as the symbol does not have any numerical value. It is typically better to perform operations with the actual numbers and then format the cells to display the Euro symbol.

4. The Euro symbol is not appearing correctly in Excel. What should I do?

If the Euro symbol is not appearing correctly in Excel, try changing the font of the cell to a more common one, such as Arial or Times New Roman. If this does not work, check your system’s regional settings as they might affect how symbols are displayed.

5. How can I display different currency symbols in different cells in Excel?

You can display different currency symbols in different cells by selecting each cell individually and changing its currency format. Just go to Format Cells > Number > Currency and select the desired symbol from the dropdown.

Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • Unicode Character of Euro Symbol
  • Insert Symbol function in Excel
  • Shortcut Key for Euro Symbol in Excel
  • Formatting Cells to Display Euro Currency in Excel
  • Accounting Number Format in Excel using Euro

Sources for More Information

  • Microsoft Support: Microsoft’s official support page provides comprehensive guidance on how to use Excel, including steps on how to include the Euro symbol.
  • Excel Functions: This website offers detailed tutorials and comprehensive guides for all functions of Excel, which likely includes the Euro Symbol.
  • Exceljet: Exceljet provides resources for Excel formulas, shortcuts, and functions, including specific ones for currency symbols like the Euro.
  • Ablebits: Ablebits is renowned for their practical and straightforward Excel tutorials. It goes in-depth into Excel functions, including currency symbols such as the Euro’s.

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