Interview: How Alex Matjanec is Running Two Successful Companies at Age 27

by / ⠀Entrepreneur Interviews / March 24, 2011 was founded in 2008 by 25 year old Alex Matjanec and two partners with $10,000. The company helps consumers find the best banks, interest rates, peer reviews and more to assist with your financial decision making. Since founding the company it has grown to over 500,000 monthly visitors, 11 full time employees and partnerships with companies like Chase, TD Bank and American Express.

While running MyBankTracker Alex also founded AD:60, a digital advertising agency, where he and his team take on specific projects with major clients like Ally Bank, Rodale Publishing (Men’s Health, etc) and BLT Restaurants. Today we had the opportunity to speak with Alex about his two projects and how others can follow in his successful footsteps…

Questions in the interview:

  • Before MyBankTracker what were you doing and how did you get into starting your own business?
  • How did you know it was time to leave your job and pursue your business full time?
  • Was there a tipping point for the company where you knew this was something that had a lot of potential?
  • Have you taken any funding? What was the initial investment to get everything started?
  • Could you explain your other company AD:60 more and how do you balance running two successful companies?
  • Do you have any tips for marketing on how you can build that website to reach millions of visitors and be successful with advertising?
  • Do you have any money management tips for small business owners starting out?
  • What has been your biggest challenge while building your ventures?
  • What is one piece of advice you have for a young entrepreneur today?
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