Pfizer CEO Arrested by FBI? Here’s the Truth

by / ⠀Blog / November 11, 2022
Pfizer CEO arrest fbi

There’s been a lot of chatter circulating the internet lately about Pfizer CEO’s Arrest by FBI. Rumors swirled that the FBI arrested him for fraud. However, as it turns out, the story is fake. In fact, Albert Bourla was not actually arrested. So why is this fake news story spreading like wildfire online? We’re not sure, but we recommend that you don’t believe any of the rumors circulating online. That said, let’s take a closer look into this story, its origin, and what’s the actual truth.

Where Did This Story Originate From?

A story posted on a fake news website, Conservative Beaver, that’s known for sharing fake stories, states that the FBI arrested Albert Bourla for fraud. The story claims that Bourla was arrested for his role in deceiving customers about the effectiveness of the COVID-19 “vaccine.” In other words, this story claims that he was arrested for fraud. However, there’s no proof that the FBI ever arrested Bouria.

The story further states that Bourla was arrested in Scarsdale, New York suburbs, but it’s completely false. Many people shared posts on social media forwarding the claims made by the news website.

This further developed the story into a believable fact because when multiple people talk about something, we all tend to believe it. The mistake many made was not verifying the story before posting it.

Why Is It Fake News?

First, the website Conservative Beaver, just made a statement about Pfizer CEO arrest and did not provide any proof. They did not add any input from Pfizer’s spokespersons, the FBI or any other credible source. This clearly shows they were just trying to spread misinformation.

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Secondly, after people started talking about this news on the internet, Pfizer made a statement on the topic, denying the news of Pfizer CEO arrest by FBI.

“I can confirm that is a false claim,” Keanna Ghazvini, Pfizer’s Senior Associate of Global Media Relations.

Another reason this is completely false news is that Bourla appeared in interviews with different outlets, including CNBC, CNN, Bloomberg, New York Times, and more. If he were with the FBI, he would’ve not been able to appear in any of the interviews.

Moreover, the Federal Bureau of Prisons Database doesn’t have Bourla’s name listed as one of the inmates. He is also not listed on the roster for inmates for Westchester County, which is the place where Bourla was allegedly attested as per the fake article.

When an online news agency called AP News and asked the FBI about this, they replied that they did not have any information on this and denied commenting any further.

Verdict – FAKE NEWS

The story behind the arrest of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla for fraud is FAKE news. A conservative online news website in Canada shared the story. The website shared no details about where it got this story, who are the witnesses, or any statement from authorities. Since there is no proof and Pfizer’s spokesperson later denied this, we can safely say this was fake news. Plus, Albert Bourla appeared in multiple interviews on the day of his alleged arrest, proving these allegations as fake.

Parting Thoughts

We all know there is a stigma around pharma companies. Many believe that they conduct the dirty business of selling medicines to patients who don’t even need them by asking doctors to push their inventories. While there is some truth to this, it doesn’t give any news platform the right to share false stories about the arrest of someone like Albert Bourla.

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He’s an important personality who is heading one of the leading pharma companies in the world. Besides a dip in the company’s reputation, its stock can also fall in value. This can give some severe losses to common people who’ve invested in them.

About The Author


Taha Khan is a professional content writer by trade. He is a business administration graduate with a focus and interest in marketing and entrepreneurship. Khan has been working as a content writer for several years and has collaborated with 100+ businesses on their content marketing projects. When not writing, he is probably reading – mostly going through psychology and philosophy books. And when Khan is not reading, he is gaming on his PC – another hobby mostly associated with introverts.


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