Put Yourself Out There and Risk Failing – Prerna Gupta of Khush

by / ⠀Entrepreneur Interviews / May 21, 2011

prerna_guptaPrerna Gupta tried to put herself in a position to learn about starting a business by jumping around from job to job.  At her last position, which lasted all of 6 weeks, she realized no job was going to prepare her for what she wanted and she had to go and do it for herself. This attitude led her to create a social network in India that reached 2 million users. While 2 million users is a impressive mark she acknowledges how they failed to monetize the site and they had to shut it down after 4 years.

Although it was a set back she had learned more than any job or class could have taught her and felt more prepared than ever to tackle the startup world again. Now she runs Khush which is a popular iphone app that acts as a reverse karaoke for users. We had a chance to speak with Prerna about her ventures and how she bounced back from her first company. Listen to the full interview below.

Questions in the interview:

1. What were you doing before you started your businesses?

2. Was the social networking site failure a discouragement? How did you bounce back?

3. Was there anything specific you took away from the experience that you have used moving forward?

4. What is your favorite thing about being an entrepreneur? Least favorite?

5. If you could leave a young entrepreneur with 1 piece of advice today what would it be?

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