Vivek Wadhwa: US-India Cancer Research Collaboration Could Conquer Cancer in 20 Years

by / ⠀Featured News / July 26, 2023
Vivek Wadhwa: US-India Cancer Research Collaboration Could Conquer Cancer in 20 Years

Cancer, a malady that has haunted humankind throughout history, has captivated the attention of researchers and medical pioneers. From President Richard Nixon’s 1971 endorsement of the National Cancer Act to Vice President Joe Biden’s groundbreaking Cancer Moonshot initiative in 2016, formidable efforts have been poured into cancer research and combating this relentless affliction. Nevertheless, progress against cancer, particularly metastatic tumors, has been frustratingly slow. Traditional treatments like radiation and chemotherapy, while effective to some degree, inflict debilitating side effects. Moreover, access to cancer diagnosis and treatments remains a daunting challenge in many corners of the world, contributing to rising mortality rates.

But now, a ray of hope emerges on the horizon. The past decade has witnessed exponential strides in computational biology and the rise of artificial intelligence (A.I.), ushering in a new era in cancer research. By harnessing diverse datasets and leveraging A.I., researchers are unearthing intricate patterns, correlations, and potential causal links that provide deeper insights into disease mechanisms, risk factors, and treatment responses. This dynamic union also holds the tantalizing prospect of discovering pharmacological interventions and natural remedies that are able to eradicate cancer.

A Global Partnership for Progress

In a momentous alliance, the United States and India have united their forces to accelerate advancements in cancer research and treatment. On June 23, President Biden unveiled a wave of public and private commitments aimed at alleviating the cancer burden in India. This partnership unites prestigious research institutions and industry leaders, including the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Duke University, Johnson and Johnson, and Roche, with a specific focus on harnessing A.I. as a formidable tool in the battle against cancer.

Catharine Young, Assistant Director of Cancer Moonshot Policy, underscored the significance of international collaboration, emphasizing that the endeavors of the Cancer Moonshot extend beyond domestic borders. By joining hands with international partners like India, the United States aims not only to reduce cancer deaths by 50% within its own territory over the next 25 years but also to alleviate the global burden of cancer.

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This global partnership recognizes cancer as a shared foe, acknowledging the suffering endured by individuals worldwide. To truly conquer this nemesis, a comprehensive grasp of its cellular and molecular biology is paramount. Such insight can only be achieved through accumulating vast amounts of data from diverse populations globally. India, with its massive population and the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission fostering seamless interoperability among healthcare systems, assumes a unique position to contribute invaluable data to advance cancer research.

Karkinos Healthcare: Pioneering Cancer Care in India

Playing a pivotal role in this US-India partnership is Karkinos Healthcare, an organization garnering support from India’s industries and Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself. Karkinos is constructing the most advanced cancer care network in the world, integrating India’s once-fragmented cancer care system. This groundbreaking approach guarantees consistent, high-quality, and affordable treatments for cancer patients, even in remote corners of the nation.

The bedrock of Karkinos’ success lies in its sophisticated I.T. platform, seamlessly connecting various healthcare practitioners and specialists. This platform empowers comprehensive and coordinated care, from cancer risk assessments to genome sequencing, chemotherapy administration, radiation therapy planning, and treatment prescriptions. All professionals involved gain access to a unified view of relevant patient information, placing the patient at the core of the care process.

The Power of Data and Precision Medicine

In addition to delivering comprehensive care, Karkinos is amassing and preserving bio-samples, such as blood, saliva, tumor tissue, and microbiome. This treasure trove of data, combined with functional screening and machine learning, positions Karkinos on the precipice of the precision medicine era. Keith T. Flaherty, Director of Clinical Research at MGH Cancer Center, extolled Karkinos’ efforts, envisioning it collecting the largest repository of pathologic, clinical, radiologic, and molecular data globally.

By merging massive datasets with A.I. algorithms, researchers can unearth previously undiscovered patterns and potential treatment modalities. This approach holds the potential not only to identify more cancer cures but also to tailor personalized cancer medicine. The collaboration between the U.S. and India amalgamates the finest A.I. talent and financial resources, expediting the decoding of the cancer genome and making precision medicine a reality for all.

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Accelerating Clinical Trials and Global Impact

India’s participation in this partnership yields far-reaching implications. The country’s cost-effective and efficient clinical trials can lead to speedier and more economical progress in cancer research. Affordable treatments and innovations developed in India can benefit not only its own population but also patients in Western countries.

India’s scientific leaps, epitomized by the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission fostering seamless interoperability among healthcare systems, open an extraordinary avenue for pioneering research. This integration and collaboration foster innovation and the pursuit of cures that enrich humanity as a whole.

A Knockout Punch Against Cancer

The United States and India’s collaboration in the battle against cancer holds immense promise. By pooling resources, expertise, and data, these two nations wield a potent force capable of dealing a decisive blow to cancer within the next two decades. The Cancer Moonshot initiative, combined with India’s strides in cancer care and data collection, can transform the landscape of cancer research and treatment.

Vivek Wadhwa, an academic, entrepreneur, and author, aptly elucidates in

his book, “From Incremental to Exponential,” that large-scale collaboration and cutting-edge technologies are imperative to envision and materialize a future liberated from the chains of cancer.


The US-India collaboration in cancer research and treatment stands as a momentous milestone in the war against cancer. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, data, and precision medicine, researchers unlock new insights and pave the way for innovative treatments. Karkinos Healthcare’s pioneering efforts in constructing an integrated cancer care network in India, alongside the country’s commitment to interoperability and research, fortify the potential of this partnership. Together, the United States and India wield the potential to revolutionize the fight against cancer and pave the path to a cancer-free future.

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Q1: What is the Cancer Moonshot initiative?

The Cancer Moonshot initiative is an ambitious endeavor initiated by Vice President Joe Biden in 2016 to accelerate progress against cancer. It seeks to enhance data sharing, accessibility, and advances in precision medicine. The initiative’s goal is to reduce cancer incidence and mortality rates through investments in research and collaborative endeavors.

Q2: How does artificial intelligence contribute to cancer research?

Artificial intelligence plays a pivotal role in cancer research by analyzing diverse datasets, uncovering intricate patterns, correlations, and potential causal connections. It aids researchers in comprehending disease mechanisms, risk factors, and treatment responses. A.I. also assists in discovering natural remedies and pharmacological interventions that can eradicate cancer.

Q3: What is Karkinos Healthcare’s role in the US-India collaboration?

Karkinos Healthcare is a key partner in the US-India collaboration. It is constructing an advanced cancer care network in India, integrating the country’s previously fragmented cancer care system. By harnessing innovative technology and data collection, Karkinos aims to provide consistent, high-quality, and affordable treatments to cancer patients across India. The organization also contributes valuable data for research purposes.

Q4: How can the US-India collaboration impact cancer research globally?

The US-India collaboration has the potential to accelerate global advancements in cancer research. By combining resources, expertise, and data, researchers can unearth new patterns and treatment options. India’s cost-effective clinical trials and focus on affordability can lead to faster breakthroughs, benefiting patients worldwide. The collaboration fosters innovation, promotes global cooperation, and paves the way for a more comprehensive understanding of cancer biology.


First reported on Fortune

About The Author

Joe Rothwell

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