Include These 4 Basic Elements When Building a Website

by / ⠀Startup Advice / May 14, 2021
Include These 4 Basic Elements When Building a Website

With the advent of modernization, the internet has become the paradise of marketing and a good website—its gateway. The need to ‘think different’ has taken all-new importance now, especially in an era where websites carry great weight. This makes it all the more important for you to follow the below-mentioned website basics when building a website in order to amplify the SEO game.

The need for better SEO holds true for tech companies, whose entire base of operations is through online portals. As yellowHEAD’s SEO experts point out, your SEO cannot improve unless you get the website basics correct.

Whether adverts on websites, sales on online platforms, or building a fan following on social media, everything starts with a definitive website. After all, it is a sneak peek into your offerings. But before that, what includes these basics that your website must have in order to boost SEO?

4 Website Basics To Include When Building a Website

1.   Vision

Keeping the banalities of the overused ‘brand vision’ aside, here is exactly what you need to enlist in your website for more efficient reach:

  •       Company mission
  •       Company values
  •       Why you started the company
  •       Services or products you offer

Keep in mind that your readers will probably just glance through what you have stated, so be concise. Additionally, try to promote your product or service without making it a presentation of sorts.

While you’re at it, try to be as accurate and crisp about the kind of information you would be conveying. Avoid false marketing or ‘mystery marketing’ where you’d want to avoid revealing key pillars of your service or product. After all, this is not an adolescent drama—it’s a serious SEO game.

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2.   The Who and the How

You ought to be accessible, especially if your product line-ups are prevalent online. Get these basics right on your website, and you’re good to go.


This should include the address of your headquarters as well as any service centers or additional locations, and a phone number and email address. 

Photographs of your HQ and Stores

Show what you sell. In other words, ensure that your website has an abundance of pictures and media files wherein your clients can get a glimpse of what they are buying. Even something as simple as an artistically designed room with bean bags and minimalist computer spaces with good cable management ought to cut it. 

Social Media Handle Links

A good social media following is a convenient, and almost free, method to boost your brand value. After all, social media was made in order for you to expand your reach. 

Almost all companies have Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts, which they use for announcements, giveaways, and of course—staying in touch with their audience.

While you can obviously use your website for the same thing, branching out is always wiser.

3.  Clear structure and navigation

There is no point in having a website if browsing across it becomes an arduous task. Your website should ideally be easy to navigate, but more importantly—intuitive. There are some basics here too that you need to understand.

Firstly, there should be a sitemap. Think of it like the map present at the entrance of an amusement park. Your sitemap should cover all the basics that your visitor will come across while navigating.

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The next thing would be a search tool. Every website has a search tool, wherein the visitor can just type keywords and look for their concerned items or services. If possible, try to build an advanced search too, with filters. This is especially beneficial if you have a catalogue of products or services. Brownie points for advanced search tools.

4.   Call to Action

You should have an important understanding of what this is, especially if most of your commodities are sold online.

For instance, say you are a phone seller. In this case, your call to action would be scripted at enlisting all your goods with other details. Price, features, what have you. In cases where you are just enlisting the said items and not selling them per se, you should refer it to the e-commerce site with whom you have collaborated or any other link you can extend. Script it in such a way that it becomes easier for your user to make purchases or deals.

Call to action is also important in cases where you offer free trials. For instance, if you provide video editing services, your call to action should specifically lead your clients to try it out for free, for whatever duration you deem fit. After this, making more concrete decisions about purchase should also be prompted—you get the drift.

In this day and age of “what you show is what you sell”, building a website that impresses is a must. After all, it is the only way your customer can make contact with you, and you, with all of them. 

About The Author

Kimberly Zhang

Editor in Chief of Under30CEO. I have a passion for helping educate the next generation of leaders. MBA from Graduate School of Business. Former tech startup founder. Regular speaker at entrepreneurship conferences and events.


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