Under30Experiences: Life is All About the Experience

by / ⠀Entrepreneurship Travel / June 11, 2013

rise“Every experience develops some latent force within you; you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be.” ~John Heywood

This Wednesday, June 12, 2013 is the official Under30Experiences Launch Party in New York City and more than just a party, this is going to be an experience. You will get to witness firsthand how it feels to be around positive, like-minded young people and what Under30Experiences is all about. If you haven’t already, please go ahead and register for your chance to win a trip that will totally change your life. The winner will be announced live during the evening.

What is Under30Experiences?

Let me start by explaining what Under30Experiences Is NOT– Under30Experiences is not a travel company and there is no room for complainers, negativity, debbie downers, egos, etc.  Yes, we do travel, but more than traveling, Under30Experiences is a company that focuses on creating a collection of positive, educational experiences by bringing together young professionals who have an open mind, hunger for opportunity, and passion for living a customized lifestyle. Ultimately, Under30Experiences is an investment in your personal and professional development.

“But, I feel like I won’t fit in.”

FEAR. Let’s face it, you’re scared. Your brain is playing mind games with you and it’s trying to protect you from feeling “uncomfortable”.  But let me tell you a little secret: Everyone experiences FEAR every day of their lives. How do you cope with FEAR? It’s very simple: Leverage fear and turn it into a positive mindset state.  Try to see the positive in every chance instead of the negative.  If you have a positive, can-do attitude, and are interested in starting a business, changing the world, quitting your job, or just doing something big in the future, then Under30Experiences is the place for you.

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Here’s a testimonial from one of our attendees on our past trip to Nicaragua:

After graduating from ISU and getting a job in the corporate world I thought I had lost my entrepreneurial spirit, but Under30Experiences has revitalized it. The trip to Nicaragua allowed me to interact with so many unique, intelligent and kind hearted individuals who have become great friends, as well as experience a new culture and activities such as surfing. -Elizabeth Flores, 2013

You do not have to own a business to be part of Under30Experiences. All you need is the right mindset, a positive attitude, and a willingness to live a life in “Permanent Beta”.  This is what we are all about.

“I’m working on my startup day and night and I don’t think I have time to travel and socialize”

Hey, congratulations on taking a leap of faith and working hard on making a difference in the world. We have no doubt that your hard work will pay off, but how do you know that you are on the right track? Are you getting feedback from the right group of people? Are you exposing yourself to the toughest questions? From our experience, successful startups are not the result of isolated efforts by an individual or a single team, but the result of teams of people getting together to learn and make something valuable for the world. For those who have traveled with Under30Experiences, it’s not uncommon to return home with new-found motivation and lifelong, uplifting friendships.

Here’s a testimonial from Francisco Palomeque, one of our attendees from our past trip to Nicaragua:

Thank you for the opportunity to talk and get to know so many awesome people. I have learned so many things and I’m very excited to make things happen; after such great feedback I got, finally my startup is getting ready to be part of the e-commerce world. -Francisco Palomeque, 2013

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Do any of these apply to you?

-“I feel trapped by the same 9-5 boring job and don’t know how to get out.”

-“I’m stuck in my startup and don’t know what to do next.”

-“I’m working so hard on something that doesn’t fulfill me and barely gives me time to spend with my loved ones.”

-“I have been stuck in these old patterns and habits and I really want to break them but don’t know how.”

-“I keep having the same lingering thoughts on how my life should be different but don’t know where to start.”

-“I’m tired of the same old group of negative people that all they do is bring me down.”

-“I want to make a social impact in the world but don’t know where or how to start.”

-“I constantly find myself thinking about my legacy in this world but I just can’t figure what. Where do I start?.”

Do you know what one of the most common regrets people have in life? Not having the courage to live a life that is true to who they are.  30 years from now, will you look back and see how many dreams went unfulfilled because you follow the path of predetermined scripts? Or will you look back and say “My life has been fucking awesome. I have a collection of experiences that not only added value to myself, but they also changed the life of people around me.”

Under30Experiences is here to help you and we want to be your launching pad for your next big move. We want to hear from you and get to know more about what’s holding you back. We guarantee that with the right group of people by your side, you will achieve your dreams and become successful. More than a community, Under30Experiences is a movement where ambitious people help each other break out of their comfort zones.

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Remember this: “We are all mortals. Our bodies, though strong, can’t defy time. One day, we will die. What matters most is the legacy we leave behind. Did we become all that we are capable of becoming? Did we make the difference we came here to make? Did we pursue our dreams when all around us thought we were chasing illusions? Only those who dare to rise, are able to lift themselves above horizons. Only those bold enough to chase dreams, are the ones who catch them”
~ Anonymous

Life is all about the Experience. Now get out there and start EXPERIENCING LIFE. TAKE RISKS!!!

Cesar Romero is Community Manager at Under30CEO. He is also CSO for Moomkin and writer for Cesar’s Journey. Native Nicaraguan in love with running, dancing, and living life in Permanent Beta. Follow him @romero866 for some inspiration and thinking outside the box.

About The Author

Matt Wilson

Matt Wilson is Co-Founder of Under30Experiences, a travel company for young people ages 21-35. He is the original Co-founder of Under30CEO (Acquired 2016). Matt is the Host of the Live Different Podcast and has 50+ Five Star iTunes Ratings on Health, Fitness, Business and Travel. He brings a unique, uncensored approach to his interviews and writing. His work is published on Under30CEO.com, Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Huffington Post, Reuters, and many others. Matt hosts yoga and fitness retreats in his free time and buys all his food from an organic farm in the jungle of Costa Rica where he lives. He is a shareholder of the Green Bay Packers.


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