This post will help you lead, identify with, or better market to these small business owners. And hey if you’re an entrepreneur yourself…well you totally get it!
You Might Be Looking For Success If…
• You can’t stop checking your phone even if it requires waking up in the middle of night
• You attend networking events on a weekly basis
• Working out is a part of your daily regimen
• You become addicted to coffee and Red bull gives you wings
• Pulling all-nighters becomes a habit
• Traveling becomes a part of your lifestyle
• Doing what YOU want is your #1 priority
• Everything you own fits in a suitcase
• You have more ideas then time
• You have more social media accounts then you can possibly update
• You’re willing to sacrifice your relationships to build a business
• You always negotiate the price
• You outsource your to-do-list

• Your book collection is bigger than any other collection you own and 90% hasn’t been read
• Blogging is a necessity not just an option
• Your office is everywhere you are
• You never stop talking about what you do even if people aren’t listening
• The computer is your best friend
• Applied knowledge is more important than a formal education
• Your currently writing a book
• You never learned what the word employment meant

• You’d rather text then talk on the phone so you can do more than one thing
• A face to face meeting no longer requires travel (Skype)
• You don’t have time to watch the news because you’re too busy creating it
• You wear a t-shirt that says “Like A Boss”

• You like to collect phone numbers more than you like to call people
• You could care less about how much debt you’ve accumulated and which creditor is leaving voice-mails
• You have business meetings at Starbucks for the price of a caramel frap
• You check your email every 5 minutes hoping to get that one email that reads “you’ve made it”
• You got rid of your TV because you are too busy to watch
• Your phone has about 100 apps from which you only use 10
• Ramon noodles, canned tuna, and Peanut butter & Jelly sandwiches are part of your daily diet

• Your daily wardrobe includes a pair of jeans and polo shirt
• Your to-do list is never-ending
• You automate your social media updates
• You speak two or more languages
• Everyone you meet in your eyes is a potential customer, investor, or business partner
• You Really, Really don’t have time for people’s bullshit
• You say No far more than you say Yes because you stay focused on what’s most important to you

• You get daily newletters from your favorite entrepreneurs
• Every day you do one thing to reinvent yourself
• You post inspirational content on your FB to inspire yourself and inspire others.
And if you are still reading this and laughing chances are you have done or are doing a couple of these things!
Melissa Krivachek President of Briella Arion is committed to helping executives and entrepreneurs across the globe Break-Thru* limiting beliefs to create 6 & 7 figure businesses doing what they love, whatever that may be. Known as the female Tony Robbins her practical, simplistic approach has made her one of the top 10 leadership and personal growth experts in the world under 30. With a focus on mindset, internal/external confidence, communication & leadership training her clients get massive, immediate, long-term sustainable results.