16 Key Power Principles for 2015

by / ⠀Entrepreneurship / January 15, 2015


Many of us make New Year’s resolutions or promises to ourselves that this year will be different than last year. That this is our year. We’ve finally figure it all out! Well…kind of…

We start off the year with the best of intentions, but by February we stop following our new dreams and goals and instead fall back into our old patterns, behaviors and thinking. 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but 25% give up on them after only the first week and almost 60% abandon them after six months! In fact, the average person makes the same New Year’s resolution ten separate times without success.

How many New Year’s resolutions have you made and forgotten?

Perhaps it’s goals about your health, personal development, business, career, social life, family, or finances. If statistics mean anything, there’s a significant chance you’ll miss your desired destination unless you do something different.

Don’t let that happen to you in 2015. Get clear about what you want, realize you are worthy of receiving it, and take consistent action every daily to achieve what you want.
Because there’s nothing worse than the burden of dealing with unfulfilled dreams.

Over the past year, I’ve interviewed more than 100 top experts and entrepreneurs on creating an extraordinary life and relationships. Here are 16 key success principles to follow in 2015:

1) Success is found on the other side of failure.

Learn from your mistakes, change your habits and life transforms for the better.

2) Joy and happiness is not found by looking for it, but by giving it away.

3) Give to the world what you feel is missing from it. This is why you’re here.

4) Don’t let your “haters” set the standard for who you become.

5) Perfectionism is fear holding you back.

Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from it. All successful people make many more mistakes than successes. The key is they don’t dwell on the mistakes.

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6) If you don’t bring your skills and abilities out of hiding you’ll cheat others and yourself.

7) Gratitude is the doorway to happiness.

Say three things you are grateful every morning for 21 days and see the changes that start happening.

8) Listening is the #1 rapport builder and the best way to successful start building relationships.

Talk 30%. Listen 70%. Remember, the easiest things are often the most underutilized.

9) If something doesn’t work in your life, let it go.

Stop trying to make it so it is. You have to make room for what is supposed to be there.

10) When building your relationships lead with adding value or giving to others.

Base your relationships on respect, mutual values and caring. You will create healthier, better interactions and connections with others.

11) Fear is actually fuel to push you outside your comfort zone to grow.

It’s a compass guiding you in the direction you must go.

12) Engage in random acts of kindness.

A seemingly small act can have enormous impact on your life and the lives of others.

13) Everyone is a stranger at one time.

Don’t keep being one. Engage and build meaningful relationships.

14) Something from childhood happened that makes us all feel like we weren’t enough.

You need to love that child inside yourself and move forward in spite of how you feel.

15) Love yourself first because you train people to treat you like you treat yourself.

If you don’t prioritize and respect yourself, why should anyone else? Set boundaries and keep them.

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16) The quality of your life is dependent the amount of uncertainty you can live with because all growth happens outside your comfort zone.

If you are like me, you know there is enormous potential in life in the coming year. Now’s the time to jump the roadblocks and overcome the obstacles that stand between you and the life you are meant to have.

You were born to thrive, not just survive. Make 2015 the year you raise your standards, follow your dreams and passions and get what you want!

Jason Treu is a relationship expert helping men and women create the business and life they love. He also works with organizations to turn people into power connectors to build the business relationships that matter to the bottom line. His #1 bestselling book, Social Wealth, is a how-to-guide on how to build extraordinary personal and professional relationships. Contact him at BeExtraordinary.tv to read his blog and for coaching. You can also connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Image Credit: http://esquaredent.com/

About The Author

Matt Wilson

Matt Wilson is Co-Founder of Under30Experiences, a travel company for young people ages 21-35. He is the original Co-founder of Under30CEO (Acquired 2016). Matt is the Host of the Live Different Podcast and has 50+ Five Star iTunes Ratings on Health, Fitness, Business and Travel. He brings a unique, uncensored approach to his interviews and writing. His work is published on Under30CEO.com, Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Huffington Post, Reuters, and many others. Matt hosts yoga and fitness retreats in his free time and buys all his food from an organic farm in the jungle of Costa Rica where he lives. He is a shareholder of the Green Bay Packers.


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