30 Up and Coming Blogs Every Entrepreneur Should Know

by / ⠀Startup Advice / March 10, 2011

entrepreneur blogs

A few days ago we published 20 Blogs and Twitter Accounts Every Entrepreneur Should Follow. That list was full of some of the most influential and most respected business people in the world. Today we are covering some of tomorrow’s business leaders who have already started to carve out their own brand and niche. Many of these bloggers are under 30 years old with a bunch even under 20! These are some of the sites and individuals to look out for in coming years as they continue to grow and learn in the business world.

You will find all kinds of topics like branding, marketing and lifestyle design but the one thing you will take away from each of these bloggers is some inspiration. Whether its their articles, personal stories or site missions you will not have to look far to get inspired and motivated to take you and your business to the next level.

1. Just Creative Design – Twitter: @JustCreative

Jacob Cass writes about graphic design, logos, brand identity and overall creativity. While just 23 Jacob has earned many accolades and is well known in the design world. Reading his blog will surely spark some creativity and give you some insight into design and branding.

2. Ryan Stephens – Twitter: @RyanStephens

Ryan is passionate about marketing and more importantly about building business relationships. With regular articles and videos Ryan talks about how and why building those relations and conversations will help your business.

3. EpicLaunch – Twitter: @EpicLaunch

Ben Lang started his first business at age 14 and has continued to build his name in the young entrepreneur world. On EpicLaunch you will find content about starting and building a business as a young entrepreneur.

4. Greg Rollett – Twitter: @GregRollett

Greg does not post as often as some of the other bloggers but when he does you should listen. Greg is passionate about lifestyle design and marketing. Being a former musician he tries to bring those skills to the music industry by working with bands and artists.

5. Exile Lifestyle – Twitter: @Colinismyname

One of the more creative bloggers on the list, Colin is a world traveler and brand expert. He moves to a new country every 4 months to set up shop and learn about the area all while running his branding firm with a few select clients.

6. Thrilling Heroics – Twitter: @realmckillinit

Cody McKibben is going to try and break you from whatever you call a “normal” lifestyle. He wants you to be remarkable and his writing shows it as he travels and blogs about living a kick ass life.

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7. Erin Blaskie – Twitter: @ErinBlaskie

“In a hot passionate love affair with the internet” as she describes herself. Following her will surely shed some light on internet marketing and entrepreneurship in general.

8. Blogussion – Twitter: @blogussion

Want to learn more about blogging? The founder of blogussion, Alex, is only 17 but will open your mind to ideas, tips and tricks on making a better blog.

9. Small Hands Big Ideas

As a young women immersed in the start-up scene of boulder Colorado, Grace writes about her experiences and thoughts on life. Specifically she likes to talk about startups, careers, relationships and inspiration as she goes through it all herself.

10. Life After College – Twitter: @Jenny_Blake

As a recent college graduate herself Jenny Blake wants to make the next step a littler bit easier for everyone. Her mission is to give you simple, practical tips that help you focus on the big picture of life and not just the details.

11. Corn on the Job – Twitter: Cornonthejob

Rich DeMatteo is a corporate recruiter who brings his expertise of interviewing and hiring. He brings that expertise and his ideas to the table at Corn on the Job and hopefully will make the process of finding that job a littler easier.

12. Illuminated Mind – Twitter: @JonathanMead

Learn about finding your passion and getting paid to do it! Jonathan focuses on getting people out of their day jobs and helping them find a more fulfilling path in life.

13. Location 180 – Twitter: @SeanOgle

If you’re looking for some inspiration this is a great place to start. Sean writes about his journey from a corporate job to traveling the world and entrepreneurship. He hopes that sharing his stories will help spark you to take whatever leap you have been thinking about in your life.

14.  Life Without Pants – Twitter: @MattChevy

Matt Chevy is an amazing web designer and marketer who loves to write about those experiences. His blog is a place to learn about life and business and you’ll never leave the site without a few things to think about.

15. Man vs Debt – Twitter: @ManvsDebt

Adam Baker and his wife spent a year selling all of their stuff in order to pay off their debts to then travel abroad for a long period of time. The blog started documenting this process and soon developed a huge following of others trying to find their way out of debt and into a more minimalist and exciting lifestyle.

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16. Youngprepro – Twitter: @Youngprepro

Onibalusi is a young 17 year old blogger who started writing about young entrepreneurship and is growing his brand quickly. While his blog is still in the early stages it is shaping into a great site to follow for all young entrepreneurs.

17. Incomediary – Twitter: @IncomeDiary

Micheal Dunlop may be one of the more famous bloggers on this list. He originally started the blog Retireat21 and went on to create IncomeDiary where we talks about entrepreneurship and making money online. If your starting out online you will find a ton of great resources and also lots of inspiration to get to the next level.

18. The Skool of Life

Srinivas Rao loves to surf and started his blog after business school because he had no ob lined up. The skool of life will give you some great advice on personal development and blogging taken directly from Srinivas’s own experiences.

19. JuniorBiz – Twitter: @Juniorbiz

Founded by Nick Tart with the mission to help young people start businesses, Juniorbiz has become a great resource for all entrepreneurs. With ideas, resources and interviews you should always find something to learn from and inspire you here.

20. Brand Yourself – Twitter: @BrandYourself

A great blog to learn about personal branding and development. The site is updated frequently and will help you better understand how to manage your appearance in this cluttered online world.

21. Young Upstarts – Twitter: @youngupstarts

Young Upstarts focuses on small business stories, entrepreneurship, social causes and ideas that will make the world a better place.  You will find lots of inspiration here with all of the young entrepreneurs and their businesses being highlighted.

22. GenJuice – Twitter: @GenJuice

GenJuice is the place for motivated young adults. With a passionate team behind the site it is developing into a leading content source and spokeperson for today’s young adults.

23. The 9to5 Alternative – Twitter: @alanperlman

Here you will find ideas and tips on goal setting and how to use it in business and travel. Alan Perlman wants to help you achieve more in life and hopefully through his writing you will find ways to do that.

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24. Almost Fearless – Twitter: @AlmostFearless

Christine Gilbert made the leap from fortune 500 company to traveler and entrepreneur. Through her blog you will learn about the realities of taking that leap and hopefully how to do it without hitting to many bumps in the road.

25. Kyle Lacy – Twitter: @Kyleplacy

Kyle is an expert on social media, productivity, marketing and innovation. Through his blog you will find regular updates on these topics and will surely increase your skills and knowledge in the business world.

26. The Future Buzz – Twitter: @TheFutureBuzz

Adam Singers blog has been recognized all over the world as a go to spot for web marketing and pr strategies. The blog will help you better understand how to create online buzz about your projects and will help get you to the next level in business.

27. Viperchill – Twitter: @ViperChill

Glen Allsopp has built a strong following around his teachings of online marketing and social media. If you want to learn how to convert more sales online this blog will help show you various ways to improve and strengthen your sales.

28. Jun Loayza – Twitter @JunLoayza

Jun’s blog does not talk about selling your company for millions. Instead he likes to talk about the journey to getting there and all of the bumps  in the road you will face. You will find him talking about balancing startups, family and relationships all while striving to get to the next level.

29. Modite

Rebecca Thorman says that starting her blog was the most important career decision she has made. Her blog talks about careers, social media, gen y, business and more plus it has been featured in places like the New York Time an The Wall Street Journal.

30. Blogcastfm – Twitter: @Blogcastfm

An emerging resource for new bloggers and people who want to improve their blogs. Three times a week interviews are recorded with some of the best bloggers in the world to get their insights and tips into creating a great online resource.

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