Here’s Why Your Business Should Take Blogging More Seriously

by / ⠀Blog Entrepreneurship Startup Advice / October 26, 2020
Take blogging seriously. When implemented properly, it's one of the most powerful digital weapons a business has in its arsenal.

Blogging is one of those things that businesses see as an optional investment — a nice-to-have. Most business owners or marketing professionals will admit that it can be helpful, but then allocate all of their budgeted time and resources to other initiatives, strategies, and tactics.

But what if blogging is more than a nice-to-have? What if it’s a must-have – an investment with the potential to transform your digital presence and drive paying customers to your business? 

It’s not as sexy as Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube, but blogging has the potential to be even more influential for your brand. And in this article, I’m going to walk you through precisely why.

5 Reasons to Take Blogging Seriously

Blogging is something that every brand should invest more time and resources into. When wielded properly, it’s one of the most powerful digital weapons a business has in its arsenal. Here are a few of the top reasons why you should begin taking it seriously.

1. Blogging Populates Your Website

A thin website hurts your brand. It communicates that you have little value to offer them. Blogging can help correct this. It populates your website with relevant content that your visitors can sink their teeth into. Not only does this make them stick around longer, but it also makes them more likely to return in the future.

2. Blogging Gives You Linkable Assets

Every business is looking for ways to enhance search rankings and appear higher in the Google rankings. And while there are numerous factors impacting search rankings, backlinks are super important.

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With blogging, you’re able to exponentially increase the number of linkable assets your website has. This increases the chances that other authoritative sites will point links back to yours, which elevates the perceived trust and authority of your domain.

3. Blogging Increases Website Traffic

Blogging will increase the amount of traffic you’re able to drive to your website — both direct and referral. Think of each blog post as a separate entry point into your site. Every time you create a new post, you’re generating another URL that a visitor could potentially enter through whether via Google, social media, or some other channel. And while it can take some time to see a noticeable bump in traffic, the results will come.

4. Blogging Builds Trust

Think about things from a consumer mindset. Are you more likely to trust a company that has a sleek website with a couple of product pages, or a deep website with product pages and dozens of relevant blog posts that speak to your needs, wants, and pain points? (Hopefully, that’s a rhetorical question.)

Blogging builds trust. It helps you engage and connect with your target audience — showing them that you’re knowledgeable and that you understand them. This goes a long way towards cultivating healthy customer relationships.

5. Blogging Shapes Your Social Media Strategy

Trying to invest in social media without having a blog is tough. It leaves you naked, exposed, and without any clear direction. Mix blogging into the equation and you’re able to develop a social media strategy.

A blog post can be splintered into a dozen different social media assets — including quotes, graphics, video clips, poll questions, etc. When your blog takes shape, so will your social media presence.

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Show Your Blog a Little Love

The potential is there — now you have to go out and execute. And if you want to maximize the benefits, you need to focus on two things:

  • Quality. “Why would somebody read this?” This is the question you have to ask yourself every time you create and publish content. It should be high in quality and value. When your content satisfies these criteria, people feel compelled to take action.
  • Consistency. It’s not enough to publish a piece of quality content every quarter. We live in a world where more than 4.4 million blog posts are published every single day. If you aren’t publishing multiple pieces of content every month, you’re missing the opportunity to engage with your audience.

If you focus on producing high-quality content that’s reflective of your brand and its goals, you’ll be better off than 90 percent of the competition. And if you consistently push out this high-quality content on a regular basis, you’ll find yourself in the 99th percentile. Whether you blog internally yourself or a service, is immaterial. If you’re an agency, it may be worth it to consider a white label SEO service or white label blogging service that can help you scale your business more rapidly without bringing on your own staff. 

That’s my challenge to you as we move into 2021. Invest in quality and consistency in order that you can enjoy the benefits listed in this article. It’ll require time, effort, and sacrifice, but the long-term benefits will far outweigh the short-term rewards.

About The Author


Nate Nead is an avid online marketer, financier and tech executive, helping startups to Fortune 500 companies scale content marketing initiatives that provide significant value to bottom-line profits.


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